I have – finally –
got to grips with the new art programme and have now started to add
my new products to my
Etsy shop. Below is a preview of a few of my
new Bohemian range, in the form of four knotted hemp and shell
necklaces. These were super fun to make!
Since the English have
a preoccupation with the weather, I'm going to regale you with
stories (or possibly, a story!) of how our glorious summer has turned
back into winter. Because it has. Summer dresses are back in the
wardrobe and winter woolies are back on. Well, not quite, but it is
back to being cold again. I hope your weather is better!
Oh – and I was on the
bus the other day. Our buses have a few seats at the front for less
able passengers. You can use them, but are supposed to give them up
if somebody else needs them more. I think the wording is something
like, 'for disabled or elderly'
Well, I was sitting at
the back, minding my own business, when this old lady got on the bus.
Eventually. Poor thing looked to be about 110, and she staggered to
the aforementioned seats and plonked herself down. After she'd
collected herself, she started reading the reserved- seats notice and
said to herself, ' Hmm. That's not me...'
And up she got, and
staggered off to the back of the bus!
That amused me all
I hope your day is fun,