Monday, 30 May 2016

A sea of yellow

I have been slowly adding my new bag jewellery to my Etsy shop, along with other new products, of course, and I've been busy making new products as well.

The weather has turned cold again, and as I write this I can hear the wind whistling through the trees outside, and you'd think it was October! However, England is very changeable and it can change at the drop of a hat! It was really nice the other day and while we were out I couldn't resist taking a picture of the gorgeous golden yellow fields all around us – yellow is so cheerful!

I have some interesting new products planned, as well as various changes in the pipeline, so please stay tuned!

Monday, 23 May 2016

NEW! Bag Jewellery

Ta Da!

Today I am announcing my new range of handbag charms! Or, if you like, jewellery for your bags...

Here is a preview just for you:

What do you think? This batch has all sorts – Christmas, Halloween, animal, Steampunk, spring, summer, autumn...

I'm in the process of adding them to my Etsy shop, and I have loads of ideas for more – so stay tuned!

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Knotted necklaces

I have – finally – got to grips with the new art programme and have now started to add my new products to my Etsy shop. Below is a preview of a few of my new Bohemian range, in the form of four knotted hemp and shell necklaces. These were super fun to make!

Since the English have a preoccupation with the weather, I'm going to regale you with stories (or possibly, a story!) of how our glorious summer has turned back into winter. Because it has. Summer dresses are back in the wardrobe and winter woolies are back on. Well, not quite, but it is back to being cold again. I hope your weather is better!

Oh – and I was on the bus the other day. Our buses have a few seats at the front for less able passengers. You can use them, but are supposed to give them up if somebody else needs them more. I think the wording is something like, 'for disabled or elderly'

Well, I was sitting at the back, minding my own business, when this old lady got on the bus. Eventually. Poor thing looked to be about 110, and she staggered to the aforementioned seats and plonked herself down. After she'd collected herself, she started reading the reserved- seats notice and said to herself, ' Hmm. That's not me...'

And up she got, and staggered off to the back of the bus!

That amused me all day...

I hope your day is fun, too!

Monday, 9 May 2016

Images and art

If you've been wondering where the promised new items have got to, um.... sorry. They're made, and photographed, and... well. That's as far as I've got because my art programme crashed, leaving me unable to resize and prepare the images for Etsy.

However, having received some helpful advice on replacement art programmes I have now got a new one, which actually looks promising.

So hopefully, normal – and new! - service will be resumed very shortly. Thanks for staying tuned!

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Bohemian summer

We have sun! Quick – where are my summer frocks? Over here you don't know how long the summer will last...

I've been making some Boho/Gypsy/Hippy jewellery recently and I can say that I've had a whole lot of fun with it! Today I'm bringing you a preview of my latest batch of earrings, some of which are indeed Bohemian. Check out the new Bohemian range in my Etsy shop.

Bring on the sun! And those summer days and festivals!