Monday, 19 September 2016

Vegetable Ivory

95 days to Christmas! If you want to keep track of that deadline yourself, you can do so here

I've recently discovered the wonderful tagua nut. It comes from a palm tree that grows in the rainforests of South America – Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. It contains a liquid that will eventually harden and looks like ivory. In fact, it is regarded as a viable alternative to elephant ivory, and is used by many artisans nowadays in their crafts and carvings – earning its nickname of 'vegetable ivory' – and helping to save our precious elephants. And because I love effalumps, I'll share this fabulous picture from Ravi Patel:

Take a look at my Tagua nut necklace – big, chunky, and wonderfully tactile - and now in my Etsy shop.

And what's been keeping me happy since my last post?

There's that lovely elephant picture, for a start!
We went to see the new Bridget Jones film and it was very enjoyable. The scene in the hospital had me in tears it was so funny!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Categories, Christmas and Captains

With my head full of new Christmas products, and knowing it is only 102 days to go, I decided to give my listing categories in my Etsy Shop a bit of an overhaul. I have less categories, but many are now divided into smaller sections. So, for example, instead of 28 items in my Steampunk section, I now have 21 items under Steampunk necklaces and 7 under Steampunk earrings, and I think this might make it simpler for my buyers (or browsers!) to find their way around.

Here is a picture of four of my current necklaces:

And things that have made me smile since my last post:

Spending a lovely day with my daughter indulging in a little (or a lot!) of retail therapy!

And hearing that John Barrowman could be returning to Dr Who as Captain Jack Harkness! Sadly, Torchwood was not as good as it could have been, but Captain Jack made it worth seeing. Sometimes, anyway...

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Smiley necklace and smiley days

Here are four of my recent necklaces, already in place in my Etsy shop.

I'm still making my Christmas items and, BTW, did you realise it is only 104 days away? Just thought I'd cheer you all up with that one!

And, talking of cheering up, some things that made me smile since my last post:

My cat, who always runs up to be petted whenever I go in the garden to put the washing out.

Sunshine days!

Exciting packets of pretty beads dropping through my letterbox!

How about you? What's made you happy lately?

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

September dawns

A new batch of lovely glass necklaces for you! And all available in my Etsy shop.

I'm still busy making new things, and in this lovely hot weather I'm having to turn my thoughts to making my Christmas products! Trying to make products a season or so in advance is hard! Perhaps I should play Christmas music and pack ice around me feet! Do you think that would work?