Is it that long since
I've done a blog post?? Ack. Sorry, its been a busy time, but I
haven't been slacking.
My Etsy shop has closed
for Christmas, but will re-open afterwards, probably around Boxing Day
(December 26)
I will have lots of
amazing new stuff for you! I've been redesigning the shop look,
sorting out what lines to keep or improve as well as making lots of
new designs and ideas. In addition I've got a brand new website
coming soon!
I hope you will all
join me for the fabulous changes soon to be implemented, and in the
meantime -
Merry Christmas – or
Season's Greetings – to all of you.
Thank you all for your
support and your custom, and I hope you will continue to stay with
me. Oh, and don't forget that I do have Instagram and Twitter
accounts if you need your Rose Bay fix in the meantime. I do actually
post other things on them apart from my latest products!